Positivity During a Pandemic? OKAY!

Hey gang! It’s been a while. Oh, you know, just a year and a half. But a lot can happen in a year! (Har, har.)

A quick sum-up: I went through a difficult break-up, got a new full-time job, moved into my own apartment again, went through another break-up, then the pandemic hit. Then I went through some serious personal growth. Then my job ended. Then I found a new job and went through another break-up and more personal growth. And here we are.

This post was something I wrote to share with the company I’m working for now. We do these weekly inspirational posts, so I gave it my own spin. Hope you enjoy!

I was trying to think of something to write today and all I could think was: pandemic, pandemic, pandemic, vaccine, pandemic, whentheheckisthisgonnabeover.

I initially thought I could send some words of advice about how we should continue finding creative ways to connect with friends, find motivation to stay healthy, blah blah blah - but I feel like I’m being bombarded with unsolicited advice these days from all directions and I’m pretty tired of it.

Really y’all, we get it.

Wear a mask. Wash hands. Stay in. Stop shoveling cake into my face to cope. Move more. Find balance. Get more sleep. Call mom. Repeat.

I have found that whatever advice I hear or read lately I immediately think:


(The exception is people still wearing their masks under their noses. They don’t get it.):


I also spent a big chunk of last year doing a lot of personal growth. Even if you didn’t go all gung-ho with therapy like I did, we all went through some big changes all at once. And I don’t know about you, but I need a freakin’ break. I don’t want to work on myself anymore. I don’t want to grow or change or be the “best version” of myself right now. More than anything, right now I want to just BE and for that to be enough. Do you remember a time when you were 6-years old and you could wake up in the morning and just being you was enough?

Yeah, me neither.

Around this time of year I usually start looking forward to the future. I book a vacation, consider music festivals I want to attend over the summer, and start pondering my next camping adventure. However, I’ve kind of accepted that this summer will still be pretty different than what I see as “normal”.

With that said, I don’t think things will ever be “normal” again.

The world will look different because WE are different. A year has changed us in significant ways. And although I’d love to do my normal fun-stuff-of-summer planning, I also don’t want to expect too much.

So instead, I’d like to look forward and share all my thoughts about what positive changes that the pandemic will bring. No, these thoughts aren’t based in research or facts. They’re just my random musings about the pandemic, and how I think it will change the world for the better:

  • DOGS. So many people have adopted dogs this year that there will be lots of happy pups to pet (and hopefully more dog-friendly patios)! (This puppy pictured is Zoki. My friend Betsy just adopted her. I’m obsessed.)

  • OUTDOOR DINING. Speaking of patios, I hope a lot of restaurants will keep their outdoor dining. That would be awesome.

  • LESS PHONE TIME. Since we’ve realized the power of real in-person connection and community, maybe folks will stop being so addicted to their phones.

  • MASKS WHEN SICK. If more people are comfortable with wearing masks, then hopefully people will be more willing to wear them in public when they’re sick.

  • MENTAL HEALTH / HEALTHCARE. Since we’ve been shown the importance of mental health, and healthcare overall, maybe access to both will get better.

  • TEACHERS. Since people have had to teach their kids at home, maybe teachers will get appreciated more (and hopefully paid more).

  • EQUALITY. With the revival spark of Black Lives Matter, I hope we start seeing real change in racial equality.

  • HEALTHCARE WORKERS. I don’t even know what to say about it, but holy heck, I’ve never appreciated them more. Make things better for them and their families? I don’t know but give them a freakin’ medal or something.

  • RESTAURANTS. I hope that service industry workers get taken better care of, and that there is more support in the future for the restaurant industry that we love so much.

  • MUSICIANS. Since concerts and live shows have been canceled, I hope we can support the music industry more and in new ways.

  • CARS. I hope that we drive less on a daily basis.

  • TRAVEL. I also hope that we travel more.

  • LIVING IN THE PRESENT. I hope we have learned to never again wait to do that thing that we’ve always wanted to do “someday” and that we start living our lives NOW.


What about you?
Do you agree / disagree?
What are you excited to see change?

Hope you have a wonderful start to your week.

And pull that mask over your nose, for cryin’ out loud.